Welcome Self Publishers and Independent Presses!

*** I am especially interested in reviewing self published authors' books! ***

Review Policy

Most of my reviews are organic -- they're books that I've stumbled onto, and they range from NY Times Bestsellers to random ebooks found on Smashwords.

That being said, this book review blog caters primarily to self published authors. I want to find some gems.

If you're interested in having your book reviewed, please email me at mulberryreview@gmail.com.

I'll review your book for $25.

Too many book review bloggers aren't accepting payment for a review, but then they operate under a "send me your book and I might review it" system, whereby the indie author is mailing out 20 books and only getting one book review in return! The author / publisher pays for those books plus shipping and handling. You do the math! Also, um, yeah I've read a lot of the other book review sites out there, and I can't imagine how insulting it must feel for an author to beg a book reviewer with "blah" writing skills to review his or her book. So let's just be honest here: I'm a trained writing professional with a love of young adult fiction and a desire to help out the independent authors of the world. I also have a lot of student loan debt. Let's make a deal! $25 for an honest, critical review that is guaranteed to highlight your strengths.

Let me know the premise of your book, and I'll let you know if it sounds like something I might enjoy. I won't accept your book if it sounds like something I wouldn't like. I prefer to receive paperback copies but will accept epubs (I have a Nook). Also, I'll never give a horrible review to an indie author -- that's not to say I won't be honest, but I will try to highlight what worked for me as a reader, rather than exert my energy beating up the book. Of course, I'll also be critical.